It’s been an UGLY 6 months for the portfolio.
I don’t think that is a surprise at this stage. All that I can say is that I’m glad that I closed out the loan in 2021 - It would have made the current downturn much more painful to bear.
Apologies for the lack of commentary - I haven’t had much new to say, my work has been busy, and there’s the small matter of trying to move country which is extremely time-consuming in terms of administration and paperwork.
On the work front, things have been great. Since leaving my permanent job early in the year, I have made close to my last year’s salary in 5 months. If I were a wiser man, it would be a decent opportunity to buy high-quality companies with a long-term mindset.
Unfortunately, I’m not that wise, and so the bulk of my nominally disposable income will go on the country transition, which is happening soon.
My switch to Portseido for portfolio tracking didn’t last long. They have switched to a premium service which I don’t yet subscribe to. So it’s back to Webull tracking for now.
Sells in Q2
ETH 0.00%↑ .X, $NVTA, SE 0.00%↑ , DCBO 0.00%↑
I sold my speculative and small positions to release some cash.
I missed the Ethereum high, but still manage a 13x on a small position - it’s enough to cover the kids school fees in Australia for the year, so there’s that…
None. As I mentioned, it’s not an unreasonable time to be buying, but my short-term needs are diverting my attention elsewhere.
Hope you and yours are keeping well! I’m largely off Twitter in the short-medium term, but I really appreciate the inbound enquiries. I’m absolutely fine, just focused elsewhere for now.
Good luck with the project.
I hope that you make it to £1,000,000 but perhaps you are a few years too late.
Where do you think the next bubble is going to pop up?